People Know How

People Know How

People Know How

People Know How is a Scottish social innovation charity founded in 2013 on the principle that people know how to identify their needs and the solutions that will help them fulfil their potential and solve social issues. People often don’t realise that they know how, and that’s where we come in – unlocking ideas for a better future, today. We call this social innovation.

We  support people and communities to make positive changes through three main work streams:

  • Positive Transitions: Ensuring a positive transition from primary to secondary school for all  children
  • Reconnect: Ensuring digital inclusion with a focus on ensuring data and connectivity for all
  • Connect Four: Establishing social innovation as a model for positive change


We do this locally by developing and delivering new and innovative projects in collaboration with people and partners. We do this nationally by initiating action-research projects in partnership with academia and stakeholders from all sectors including other charities, community groups, businesses and the public sector, derived from our local project work. From these activities, we run nationwide campaigns that influence government policy, enhancing community development and acting as a  catalyst for systems change across Scotland.

Over five years, working with Catalyst for Impact will allow us to develop our capacity and expand towards national delivery, supporting us to achieve our new strategy and facilitating the long-term growth of our services and campaigns. In the run-up to the launch of our partnership, we have already started drawing on the opportunities offered to us through the fund, including working with The Lens as part of the development of our new Strategic Plan.

From expanding our national helpline to kickstarting action-research projects to fuelling our Connect Four programme and cross-sectoral collaboration, we’re excited to work with Catalyst for Impact to improve digital inclusion and reduce data poverty over the next five years.

If you are interested in finding out more about their or to get in touch please visit  People Know How | Unlocking Your Ideas

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